Chiropractic Care FAQs

Chiropractic Care FAQs

Chiropractic care is more than meets the eye. The chiropractors at Fit For Action in Cooper City treat an array of physical and mental ailments using a holistic approach. Below are some of the frequently asked questions that we encounter regarding chiropractic care.

What exactly is chiropractic care?

It is the medical approach of focusing on the spine and nervous system to relieve pain.

What specific types of pain do chiropractors treat?

Headaches, back pain, and neck pain are the expertise for chiropractors. Sports injuries are also a common focus as well as joint, muscle, and ligament injuries. The treatment for these injuries extends beyond these specific categories to include improving general physical and mental health as well.

Does that mean chiropractors are doctors?

Yes. The education that chiropractors have is similar to medical doctors. Chiropractors earn a license in the field of chiropractic care. This area of health care is among the strictest in terms of requirements.

What are adjustments and do they hurt?

Chiropractic adjustments are precise applications of pressure to spinal joints. It is a holistic approach to structural alignment and used to get rid of interferences in the nervous system. The result is an improvement in spinal function, reduced pain, and improved overall health.

Minimal force and pressure are part of chiropractic manipulation. Some people report soreness after an adjustment, but it is akin to the feeling of a good workout. Our chiropractor will advise you to drink plenty of water, apply ice packs, and stretch a bit after treatment.

Can I make adjustments to myself?

Chiropractors have licenses and training that is specific to the field. It is also nearly impossible to adjust your own body effectively or accurately. It is best to avoid trying to “pop” your own joints. Speaking of popping, the sound associated with chiropractic adjustment is created from those specific joints releasing little air pockets. The connective tissue is where the sound originates, not the actual bones.

Chiropractic Care in Cooper City FL

At Fit For Action, we strive towards alleviating pain and providing a high quality of life for our patients. We have three phases of healing which include diagnosing your current pain, teaching at-home techniques, and preventing future pain. Schedule an appointment with our chiropractor today by calling us at (954) 432-5775 for natural pain relief.


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