Ligament Injury

An Overview of Ligament Injuries from Fit for Action

At our chiropractic office in Cooper City, there are a number of common problems that we see. Our chiropractic care team at Fit for Action is proud to take care of a number of common work injuries, accident injuries, and sports injuries. Some of the most common healthcare problems that we see include ligaments injuries. People are often unaware of what exactly defines a ligament injury. Our team at Fit for Action is here to make sure that everyone in the Cooper City area understands how a chiropractor can help someone recover from a ligament injury.


What Is a Ligament?

For those who might not know, a ligament is the term used to describe the tissue that connects bones to other bones. A ligament is used for both structural support as well as function. It is the job of a ligament to make sure that bones remain in the proper position relative to one other. A ligament is also responsible for making sure that bones have a certain amount of flexibility.

Types of Ligament Injuries Treated at Fit for Action

There are a number of ligament injuries that we see in our practice. Some of the most common we see involve:

Knee Injuries: This is one of the most common locations that someone might suffer a ligament injury. The knee ligaments include the ACL, MCL, PCL, and LCL. If someone suffers damage to one or more of these ligaments, they might be diagnosed with a knee sprain. In addition, these ligaments can also tear, possibly requiring surgery to fix.

Neck Injuries: It is possible for someone to sprain the ligaments of the neck as well. This often happens in a car accident when someone's neck snaps back and forth. This injury is often called whiplash and is a sprain of the cervical spinal ligaments. For people who have suffered whiplash, a chiropractor has the tools and techniques necessary to help them make a full recovery.

Contact Our Chiropractor at Fit for Action Today

It is important for everyone to invest in chiropractic care when it comes to ligament injuries. At Fit for Action, we take a lot of pride in the healthcare that we provide to all of our patients. We have the tools necessary to help our patients recover from their injuries and resume their daily lives as quickly as possible. We would be happy to do the same for you. To learn more about how we can help you, contact us today by calling 954-432-5775 to schedule an appointment with our team.


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