
Chiropractic Treatment for Neuropathy

A Logical Look at Neuropathy and Chiropractic Treatment

Our Cooper City chiropractic office gets quite a few phone calls asking if chiropractics can help their neuropathy. And it's only logical that we would say yes because of course we can, but also because it's the logical treatment. Fit for Action believes an informed patient is a better candidate for treatment. With that being said, let’s take a closer look at neuropathy.


What is Neuropathy and What Causes It?

Neuropathy, as its Greek roots suggest, (neuron for nerve, and pathos for suffering) is a condition stemming from damaged or defective nerve endings. Peripheral neuropathy, as it's also known, does not occur on its own. It's usually developed in accord with another disorder, like malnutrition, alcoholism,  a metabolic disorder, or a tumor. Or in the majority of cases, diabetes. Of the more than 20 million Americans with neuropathy, an estimated 15 to 18 million never had it until they became diabetic.  Anyone diagnosed with neuropathy should take it as a warning sign that they have something else going on.

Neuropathy Symptoms

Neuropathy usually begins with a tingling in the outer extremities, often the fingers and toes. As the condition progresses, the tingling becomes numbness and moves up through the arms and legs. At its most serious, it extends into the core. Symptoms can also include throbbing, tingling, or a freezing sensation. In advanced cases, neuropathy can interfere with the brain's ability to communicate with affected regions of the body and can result in dizziness or a sense of imbalance. Needless to say, anyone who notices even mildest symptoms should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Treatment for Diabetes

Treatment begins by looking for the underlying trigger such as diabetes, infection, hormonal imbalance, or malnutrition, so it can be cured if possible or at least managed, as in the case of diabetes. Unfortunately, as far as the neuropathy itself is concerned, there is neither a cure nor a treatment other than managing the symptoms. Traditional medical treatment options include pain medication, surgery, and physical and occupational therapy. And while these can be effective to a certain extent, they serve to mask the symptoms rather than address the root of the suffering, which is the nerves. Since treating the nervous system falls under the realm of chiropractic treatment, it's only logical that it can be an effective way of relieving neuropathy suffering. 

Why Turn to Chiropractics for Neuropathy Treatment?

Chiropractic care focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Neuropathy falls under this category since the peripheral nerves are part of the nervous system. And the spinal cord, which is part of the central nervous system, runs up the back, protected by the vertebrae of the spine. Since the peripheral nerves branch out from the spinal cord, if the back falls out of alignment, any of the affected vertebrae can pinch a nerve, causing numbness or cutting off feeling in the back or limbs, or in other words, causing neuropathy. Chiropractic adjustments can restore alignment, relieving the pain, numbness, and any other symptoms of neuropathy.

Do You Suffer from Neuropathy in Cooper City?

If you live in or near Cooper City, our Chiropractor at Fit For Action can treat your symptoms, relieving your pain and numbness. Come in and find out how we can provide a non-invasive way to give you relief from your neuropathic pain. Call for an appointment today.


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