Neck Pain

Neck Pain Treatment at Fit For Action

A painful neck can be a formidable obstacle to enjoying a happy, functional life. Whether your neck pain stems from an acute accident injury or a longstanding chronic pain condition, you may not be able to pursue any of your usual activities properly until you get that underlying problem fixed. If you're hoping to avoid neck surgery or a daily dependence on painkillers, you should know that Fit for Action in Cooper City can provide you with conservative neck pain treatment that really works.

neck pain

The Meaning of That Pain in the Neck

Your neck is a more complex structure than you might think. This part of your body is centered around the cervical spinal column, the set of vertebrae and vertebral discs that support your head. Muscles, tendons, ligaments, and major nerve roots all exits in close proximity to each other, working together to provide the everyday function you're used to. There are many ways in which this interaction can be disrupted through injury or other issues. Your neck pain may be related to such diverse causes as:

  • Whiplash - An auto accident or another high-impact event can throw your head backward and forward with enough force to damage your muscles and connective tissues, push your cervical vertebrae out of alignment, and produce herniated discs that pinch the cervical nerve tissue.
  • Bulging disc - A disc doesn't have to herniate to cause nerve impingement and pain. A disc that has lost hydration may bulge outward onto the cervical nerve roots while also creating a strain on the joints that connect the vertebrae.
  • Repetitive strain injury - Holding your neck in an awkward position or flexing it constantly can leave you with chronic muscle strain conditions such as "text neck" or sports injuries.

Naturally Healthy Solutions From Our Cooper City Chiropractor

Trust our Cooper City chiropractor to get your neck back in good working order. Chiropractic care can address acute or chronic spinal misalignment in the neck, restoring flexibility and easing the strain. Our DX9000 spinal compression technology can treat cervical disc problems by increasing space between vertebrae, drawing the discs back into the spinal column, and helping bulging discs re-hydrate. Massage therapy can ease muscle tension and speed tissue healing. Our chiropractor even recommends changes that you can make in your workplace or everyday life to keep your neck pain-free.

Bring Your Neck Pain, Back Pain or Extremity Pain to Us

Whether you suffer from neck pain, back pain or extremity pain, we're the right Cooper City chiropractic care center for the job. Call (954)-432-5775 today to schedule an evaluation so we can prescribe a personalized course of treatment!


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