Herniated Disc

What Is a Herniated Disc?

Within the spine, there are several bones, called vertebra.  In between each of these bones is a tiny cushioning disc.  The disc is donut shaped and filled with a liquid-like gel.  Sometimes, the walls of these discs rupture, causing some cushioning gel to escape.  When this happens, the disc is said to have herniated.  While a herniated disc can be the result of an impact injury, it is usually considered a degenerative disease.  As the body ages, the disc walls become thinner and more brittle, making them prone to breaking.


What Are the Symptoms?

Herniated disc symptoms can vary depending on the location of the disc injury.  If the disc is herniated in the neck, symptoms are commonly felt in the neck, shoulders, arms, or hands.  Pain can range from mild to severe.  Further, numbness and tingling may be felt through the shoulders and arms.  If the disc is herniated in the lower back, symptoms are typically felt in the buttocks, legs, or feet.  Again, pain can be mild to severe, or can cause numbness and tingling.  One of the most common herniated disc symptoms is a feeling of clumsiness.  People will often report feeling as if they are dropping everything or are more prone to tripping.  

How Can a Chiropractor Help?

A chiropractor can easily help with a herniated disc injury using a variety of tools and techniques.  A chiropractor will commonly use manual adjustments to help restore balance to the body.  With a herniated disc injury, adjustments can be helpful to remove undue stress and pressure that may be impacting the injury.  By relieving pressure to the disc, the disc is able to heal successfully on its own.  Further, a chiropractor will often prescribe a combination of muscle stretching and strengthening techniques.  These can help build muscle around the injury to prevent further injury in the future.  Stretching techniques are a great way to improve flexibility in the back and prevent further injuries.  Each injury is different, so meeting with your chiropractor is the best way to create a customized plan to get you on a path to overall wellness. 

The team at Fit For Action understands just how debilitating a back and neck injuries can be.  Based out of Cooper City, FL, our chiropractic team is happy to help with any injury or condition.  Proudly serving the Cooper City, FL residents, Fit For Action is always accepting new patients.  If you suspect that you are suffering from a herniated disc injury, call our office at 954-432-5775.  We would be happy to set up an evaluation, so we can get you back to doing the things you love.


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