Sports Injury

Sports Injury Treatment At Fit For Action

From young children to older adults, many of us play sports. Whether you're getting a good workout or spending quality time with friends and family, playing sports is a big part of life for many. But while sports can provide many great times, playing sports can also lead to painful injuries. When you ever experience an injury while playing sports, it’s important to seek treatment quickly before the injury gets worse. If you’re looking for professional medical care for your injury, then be sure to give Fit for Action a call. Located in Cooper City, FL, we are proud to also treat those in the entire surrounding area. We are happy to have a very experienced chiropractor on staff who can handle your needs with ease. Keep reading to learn more about the common sports injuries out there, including how to contact us to seek treatment.

Sports Injury Treatment

Common Sports Injuries

The truth of the matter is, sports injuries can happen in many different shapes and sizes. However, there are some common injuries to be aware of. By understanding the most common sports injuries out there, you can ensure that you’re training your body to be as healthy as possible to limit causing one of these injuries. Take a look at the common sports injuries that many of us have dealt with.

Ankle Sprains

If you’re like most people, then you’ve probably sprained your ankle at some point in your life. While these sprains are usually minor, they can be extreme and lead to a great deal of pain. High-movement sports like soccer, basketball, and football tend to lead to more ankle sprains, but this injury can be caused by playing any sport.

Groin Pull

Another common injury is a groin pull. Our groins are heavily involved in most sports, so it's very common to strain these muscles from time to time. While this injury can be caused by a quick movement or over-exerting this area, this injury is typically caused by not stretching properly. Before you participate in sports, be sure to stretch your groin effectively to limit your chance of getting hurt.

Knee Injury

Another very common yet more serious sports injury involves the knee. ACL tears, MCL tears, and meniscus tears happen very frequently in sports, particularly in football and basketball. While there are ways to keep healthy knees to limit your chance of causing this injury, sometimes it just happens out of nowhere.

Our Reliable Chiropractor Can Help!

If you have one of these injuries or some other type, be sure to contact us for fast and effective relief. We offer top-of-the-line chiropractic services to ensure you stay healthy on the field.

Located in Cooper City, FL, Fit for Action has a chiropractor who can help treat a wide variety of sports injuries. Make an appointment with us today to get back in the game! You can call us at 954-432-5775 to schedule an appointment today!


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